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Wealth Wisdom

You must keep track of your money. I know its uncomfortable to look at those credit card statements, but you must do it. You must see all those statements how much debt you have and find out ways to pay off the. If you will not organise your money or debts, it will never be in control.

Become a Money Magnet

To become a money magnet by doing some energy practices that will help in shifting your dynamics around money.

If you are holding on to money you felt really not good giving anything away easily. You must understand this concept, that the more you give the more you receive. You have to start shifting your mindset by leaving tips be the person that leaves like a good tip. You know 30% every single time but it could just be like leaving the standard and 15%.

Abudance Avenue

To craft your ideal relationship with money and yourself, you have to get clear on some of your self-limiting, money beliefs and some of your money stories. I want you to start thinking about how you want to approach money going forward.

 so what does wealth or money or prosperity look like to you Ideally use whatever word feels best for you. Prosperity, Abundance, what words you use to describe. By doing this exercise you will know what is your relationship with money it could be fear, frustration, or happiness. You can only heal your relationship with money when you know how you feel about it.

Money Makers

All our life we learnt that more hard work we do the more success we will get specially, in  school, college, university or in your career , if you do all the things and you work really hard you’re going to get what you want but when it comes to business, you should get rid of this belief, this is something that will hold you back. As you get rid of this story has that you have to work hard all the time, you will see things will start moving easily or simply to you, clients will start showing up from no everywhere, it is sort of floaty and there will be easy connecting with people